The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Here. We. Go.

New Year's Day happened 3 days ago. For real. But not really for me.

The new Imagine staff return to work tomorrow. The new Executive Director starts her first day at Imagine tomorrow. They'll pick up where they left off. And we'll pick up where we left off.

(In case you're not sure about that means, it means - for me at least - back to some nail biting, following who's been referred, who is forming new family, where we are on that magical list, how closely referral quantities will follow what was conservatively stated on the original proposal - which, of course has already been made significantly less conservative by having realized 4 proposals on Dec 16 - and all those other wonderfully exciting and exhilarating moments.)

2009 was a good, character forming year. It was full of ups and downs. It formed me into a more faith-filled being, a more skeptical PAP. The downs, as painful as they were, caused me to find that even more than before, I believe it is crucial to take these risks. For, it is better to live with hope, if for even a few months than to always wonder "what if". Better people we become, when we find what really drives us. More content we will be, when we seek more for this place in which we all dwell. More aware we will forever be, when we realize the problems of the world, and that we - even as small, tiny individuals - actually do make a difference.

We celebrated the turn of a new year, a new decade just 3 days ago.

But my year...


...It. Starts Tomorrow.


Chad, Laura, Sara and Seth said...

Mine too!! I am so anxious for what the next few weeks will bring.

Barbara said...

Howdy Type A+. Haven't popped in for awhile, so just catching up on my reading. Happy 2010 - sounds like it just might be the year for you ... (august 2008 DTE, right?)